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Animal communication is the transfer of information from one animal or human to another animal or human. Animal or Interspecies communication is done by telepathy in “non-locality”, a technical word popularized by physicist Richard Feynman: information transfer without local signals and that can be done at a distance, like the recently discovered “gravitational waves”.

Telepathy is well known in ancient civilizations and described in age-old texts like the Sutras by Patanjali: “Dharana is the binding of the mind to one place” (as you think, so you become), “Dhyana is the continuous flow of cognition towards that object” (Communication between meditator and object of meditation is steady); the mind transcends body consciousness.

Alan Turing himself (English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher and theoretical biologist) realized that telepathy is one sure way for an interrogator to discern a human being from a silicon computing machine, in a Turing test.

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Our communication with other creatures is not just a brain matter, it is also an energy and heart issue.


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16 Jun: Όταν δύο είναι πολλά

Πριν από είκοσι ένα χρόνια, μετακόμισα στην Ελλάδα. Βρήκα τους ανθρώπους επικοινωνιακούς, γοητευτικούς, έξυπνους και αγαπούσαν τα ζώα,

10 Jun: When two is too many

Twenty One (21) years ago, I moved to Greece. I found the people communicative, charming, intelligent and they love animals;

25 Nov: The role of spirit guides in Animal Communication

When I was a little girl, my very catholic mother used to tell me about my “guardian angel”; so I…

10 Nov: Κώδικας Δεοντολογίας στην Επικοινωνία με Ζώα

Όταν έφερα την Medium and Animal Communicator Helen Da Vita στην Ελλάδα, το 2016, για ένα πρώτο σεμινάριο σχετικά με…

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Kyla, Canada

 Last year I was having trouble with a colt I had purchased from the meat buyer at auction. After trying to gain his trust I was struggling. I sent him to a woman who is a wonderful trainer hoping she would have some success with him. She seemed to make progress for a while, then it was like he reverted right back to the beginning. I reached out for help and Cathy was there for me. She connected with Cole and then proceeded to suggested a different technique for training due to his personality. Due to time we were unable to attempt the new approach. Cathy and I talked and she helped me understand that I had not failed, but maybe my purpose in his life was done and it was time he move on to the next person to help him move forward. I felt that this was the right choice for him. He needed someone consistent who could work with him daily gaining his trust. In the end he went to a woman whose life is horses. I am thankful to Cathy for helping me 

Ευγενία, Ελλάδα

 Γυρνάς σπίτι. Ο σκύλος ρίχνεται πάνω σου. Γαυγίζει…..και εσύ το μεταφράζεις: Που ήσουν; Έλειπες τόση ώρα! Μου έλειψες, σ’ αγαπώ! Δεν έχεις όμως αναρωτηθεί αν αυτό θέλει πραγματικά να σου πει ο σκύλος σου ή είναι αυτό που θέλεις εσύ να πιστεύεις; Δεν έχεις σκεφτεί ποτέ μακάρι να μπορούσα να καταλάβω τι θέλει να μου πει, γιατί έχει αυτήν την συμπεριφορά; Αν ναι! τότε η Κάθυ μπορεί πραγματικά να σε βοηθήσει, όπως μας βοήθησε και συνεχίζει να μας βοηθάει. Ποιούς; εμένα και τον Μπρούνο ένα ξεροκέφαλο γερμανικό ποιμενικό. Επικοινωνεί μαζί του τηλεπαθητικά και δίνει απαντήσεις με λεπτομέρειες που μόνο κάποιος που ζει μαζί μας μπορεί να γνωρίζει και δυστυχώς για μας δεν μένει μαζί μας! Πέρα όμως από αυτό εκπέμπει ηρεμία και δίνει κατευθύνσεις οι οποίες βοηθούν να χτίσεις μια σωστή και υγιή σχέση με τον τετράποδο φίλο σου.

Regina, Atenas

 Em Junho de 2015, adotamos um segundo gato, jovem super ativo, nossa Gata Milena, uma digna senhora, de então 12 anos e senhora total do território, não recebeu o novo membro da família muito bem. Milena começou a mostrar sinais de depressão, nos evitava ( vivemos em apartamento pequeno), não comia sua ração e outros sintomas. A princípio pensávamos ser sintomas normais e em breve ela iria se acostumar. Como os sintomas continuaram pedi a senhora Catherine Collin nos fazer uma visita e conversar com Milena, Catherine veio, passou uma hora a sós com Milena e depois me fez um relatório o qual me surpreendeu em muitas informações, mas o mais importante Catherine me informou que sim, Milena estava emocionalmente afetada pela presença de um novo gato na casa, porém, ela estava com problemas de saúde e fui aconselhada a levar Milena ao veterinário mais rápido possível. Levei Milena imediatamente ao veterinário e ficamos sabendo que ela estava com dor por duas razões, um dente infeccionado, que foi extraído imediatamente, e que estava com um reumatismo artrítico que lhe causava muita dor e foi recomendada uma medicação natural que depois de duas semanas Milena voltou ao normal( o suplemento ela toma até hoje). Sou muito grata a Catherine que nos ajudou a resolver uma crise familiar. Regina Tassitano Regina Tassitano – Athenas , Grecia

Alice, Athens

 I met Cathy at a point in my life when I had 3 dogs, compared to 2 years ago whenI had 7, and one by one had passed away of old age leaving an enormous gap behind. One of the 3 dogs, Boubou, with whom I had a very strong bond, had cancer andwas withering away. I wanted desperately to “talk” to her, to find out what shefelt, what she thought, and most of all what she wanted me to do to make her life easier. Cathy came over and we sat Boubou on the couch between us, and the communication between Cathy and my dog started. Cathy knew nothing about my dogs because she had never seen them before. Boubou told her what she felt at the time, which was a burning sensation in all her tiny (she was a Yorkie) body. Told her what she wanted at the time, which was a quiet and cool and dark place for her to sleep most of the day, which was exactly where she slept, in order for the other dogs not to bother her. Plus she predicted various things about her, which all came true! I was very surprised at how precise and realistic her answers were and how easily Cathy picked them up and communicated with her. It was like a conversation between 3 friends, not a dog and 2 humans. Cathy, if you don’t like something, feel free to make changes. Plus I hope to God that her prediction about me is wrong!!! Love, Alice

Sharon, South Africa

 Dear Cathy. I asked you to help with a pit bull called Belle that had been rescued from dire circumstances, we suspected she’d been exposed to dog fighting. She’d been abused and accused of killing a puppy. When she arrived at the shelter she was extremely fearful and her being able to find a forever home was in jeopardy – she was facing a lifetime in a shelter, alone as she couldn’t be ‘trusted’ to be with other dogs. I posted about Belle on animal communicators and you responded directly to me. As a result of your intercession and communication with Belle we were able to identify her triggers and reassure her. After a few sessions with you, and some more TLC from her foster mom, Belle was eventually placed in her very own forever home. Thank you for taking the time to work with Belle so that she could enjoy life as it’s meant to be lived as a happy dog. Kind regards Sharon

 Cape town, South Africa

Διονυσία, Ελλάδα

 Την Κάθυ την γνώρισα πριν δυο χρόνια, από μια κοινή μας φίλη… και ο λόγος : ο Φρόντο ο γάτος μας !!! Τον Φρόντο τον βρήκαμε ή καλύτερα μας βρήκε πριν τρία χρόνια ,  όταν ήταν ενός μηνός περίπου, πολύ φοβισμένος και χωρίς εμπιστοσύνη στους ανθρώπους… κατι που ακόμα δεν εχει ξεπεράσει τελείως. Οταν η φίλη μου, μάς μίλησε για την Κάθυ και το animal communication, οφείλω να παραδεχτώ πως ήμουν δύσπιστη, μεχρι που γνώρισα την Κάθυ από κοντά. Η Κάθυ ειναι απόλυτα αφοσιωμένη  σε  αυτό που κανει, αγαπάει πολύ τα ζώα  και το σίγουρο είναι πως πολλές φόρες  μάς εχει βοηθήσει αλλά και μάς εχει εκπλήξει με αυτά που εχει πει …. μένοντας με την απορία : καλα αυτό πως το ξέρει ! Διονυσία

Daniela, Italy

 Kathy si è rivelata una persona molto sensibile e disponibile, con una spiccata empatia nei confronti degli animali, si percepisce che fare conversazioni con gli animali per lei è una dote naturale. Nella conversazione con la mia cagnolina Thea, ha centrato in pieno sia il carattere, che le cose che ama fare di più. Inoltre mi ha fornito alcuni dettagli che mi sono stati davvero utili per capire alcuni suoi comportamenti. Mi ha molto stupita con un racconto ricco di dettagli riguardo ad una giornata di shopping natalizio in un centro commerciale, che mi ero completamente dimenticata. Pensavo che Thea amasse poco questo tipo di situazioni, invece si era divertita moltissimo, e le ha raccontato del regalo acquistato per lei. Consiglio una conversazione con Kathy a chiunque desideri approfondire il rapporto con il proprio animale. Grazie di cuore Kathy, da Daniela e Thea.

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