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Moral and Ethics in the holistic world


We are entering the Age of Aquarius; a time when there is a promise of great awakening to the fact that we are all ONE, all spiritual beings, that we are all energy. This affirmation is emphasized through the entire holistic world: healers, yoga teachers, Animal Communicators, Mediums, coaches, energy workers, etc…

   The promise of a new beginning

From the 20th Century, with the industrialization of the West and the concentration on the material world, to the 21st Century and the widespread popularization of Quantum Physics (confirming what the Emerald Tablets had affirmed centuries ago), humans went a long way.

We are in the era of technology, robots, Space X, the union of man and machine…nothing more natural to have a push-back from the Natural world and natural law: man is a spiritual being, as the animals and plants are. We are capable of the possible and impossible without the need of a button or money…but how many people know and accept this great truth? It is up to us, energy workers to pass this truth, aligned with our colleagues: coaches, Inter-species communicators, Mediums, and healers.

Gaia television is wide spreading the news of the capabilities we have and one has to be blind to be unaware of this great truth. Holistic therapists have a huge responsibility to pass along this message, and some like: Bruce Lipton, Greg Braden, Mary Zapiti, Linda Tellington Jones, James French, Gene Ang, Chico Xavier, Usui, Lyn McTaggart, Joe Dispenza, Helen DaVita, Anna Breytenbach, Penelope Smith and so many others, in our plane or already gone, are the ambassadors of this great message.
The responsibility is huge and one might think that every holistic Therapist is the example of his/her talk, but that is not always the case. Unfortunately, every tree has its rotten fruits and so every so often, some therapists, mediums or coaches forget the message themselves and turn themselves back to the material world of money and greed.

     Competition at its best 

I am an animal communicator because I love what I do…I love talking to animals and seeing their point of view, as well as helping their humans.
Every year, I try to see the various congresses, summits, meetings between the international Animal Communicators. What I have observed, though, is that when the question comes: “Tell me about yourself; how did you learn animal communication?” The answer is always:” Oh, I did it as a child, and then later on I did a course”. OK, to do as a child, we are all capable of speaking to animals and it is wonderful to develop oneself, doing different courses to learn new techniques and deepen our understanding, but what I noticed is that about 99% of the communicators are incapable to mention their teachers.
I have absolutely no problem in mentioning my dear teachers: Helen Da Vita and Anna Breytenbach- I am proud to have learned with and from them, but I wonder why the other professionals do not mention their teachers?   I know that is mainly because they are afraid that their clients will look for their teachers instead of hiring them. Competition and fear take the best of them.

  Holistic Therapy and Registered mark

In the holistic world, every practitioner and therapist can develop their own methods. There are many methods similar to others, but each has the practitioner’s trademark; Richard Bartlett will always have the Matrix Energetic, Eric Pearl will always have the Reconnection, Hellinger will always have the Family Constellation – everyone knows they are their techniques; Gene Ang will always have the Arcturian Method, Mesmer will always be the father of Mesmerism taught by Dr Paret and so on.
There are some techniques practiced by millions of people like Usui Reiki from Mikao Usui. Nobody would dare to steal the technique and put their name on it. There are some techniques that are similar to others and that was explained to me by Dr Gene Ang. He said that the universe “downloads “the information to many people around the world, but, even like this, when it is learned, the technique assumes the different characteristics of each therapist. One would not dream to just copy paste the same technique, words, expressions and dare to say it is his or hers; and unfortunately this has been happening way too often.
A famous therapist, who came to Greece, had his techniques just taken by one of the students who dared to advertise the same healing frequencies, in Facebook, with the same name, as being hers.

I watched the same going on with the Pilates Method from the year 2000, when S.G, the person who had Joseph Pilates trademark, got this trademark lost in a case very similar of “Bayer aspirin”, in the Supreme Court. Since then, anyone, and I repeat: ANYONE can do whatever they want and call it Pilates. The result is that the method was completely changed and instead of helping people is just damaging the reputation of the Classical Pilates Method.
In 2023, I had purchased and old Animal Communication Summit of 2021 and I see an Animal Communicator advertising her trips to Africa to use a method developed by someone else! Someone that I had paid to take the course and that person, posing as a spiritual person, was using the same words that JF uses to describe his method, that it was developed decades ago. I contacted JF and his wife, to warn them and they told me they had already warned the lady various times. So, there is no shame in stealing techniques and putting your name on it.

        Fights and Greed

Never mind what is happening with the spiritualists in the UK this year (2024)…Really a shame for all of us that are supposed to be spiritual beings.

Watching the departed Medium Chico Xavier, from Brazil and seeing that ALL the profits from his psycho-graphic work went to charity, in the 20th century, we realize that people used to have more ethical behavior in the last century, than in the present one. We ask ourselves if this is really the great awakening or the great sinking.

For starters, we should be honoring our teachers, to make Animal Communication known all over the world and not drag it in the mud, like some practitioners are doing; repeating the name of Penelope Smith, Anna Breytenbach, Helen DaVita, Carol Gurney and others just show that we are part of the greater whole- the one that is changing the world, that is elevating consciousness to a higher level.

Everyone knows what happened to healer Joao de Deus/John of god, found guilty on trafficking and rape.

We are living difficult times, with corruptions, war, poverty, inflation etc… It is everyone’s responsibility to keep morals and ethics high on their list.

Money and Love

We, as spiritual beings are responsible to show example, follow a code of Ethic and honor our elders, just like the old civilizations did, but the economic crisis, greed and jealousy took over the holistic world. We must think and be conscious that if we steal a technique or fight for competition and money, the Karmic wheel of fortune will send it right back to us, in the law of action and reaction. The more we give, the more we get, the less we give, the less we get.
Money does not make the world go around, love does. In the case of a war, or famine, we cannot eat money, but we can help each other. This is what the Greeks learned during the Ottoman Empire, when so many people were starving.

   The Age of Aquarius

We are entering in the Age of Aquarius, when there is supposed to be happening a great awakening, but we keep seeing more and more wars. As the Hermetic law affirms: “ As above, so below”, the wars happening are not only orders from the Elite that Govern us, but also from the masses of simple people, soldiers, generals, drone pilots, arms producers, journalists, traitors of the Human Kind who ignore their spirituality and accept to be bought by money.

Do not be mistaken- the law of Karma will prevail. Be honest to yourself and your clients when using a technique or mentioning your teacher, don’t support the war or aggression. We have always something to learn from our elders and from everyone as well as the animals. Only when we co-create with our fellow: humans, animals and plants…then we can make the earth a habitable planet again.

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